10 Reasons Why You Should Shop Online For Dashain | SmartDoko

Millennials have a habit of spending a lot of time online, be it stalking that cute guy/girl on social media or just watching hilarious cat videos. The internet has transformed many aspects of our lives, including shopping.

It’s no secret that we absolutely hate the hustle-bustle around New Road, especially at the most crowded time of the year: Dashain. Going to shopping out there when Dashain is nearing is like stepping into a giant pool of humans who keep coming your way.

At the end of the day, you are disappointed with the whole experience because you are tired and couldn’t even get anywhere near what you want to buy. Read below our rationales to find out why you should shop online for Dashain!

You can shop in your pajama

The most boring part of going out is probably getting ready. You have to pick an outfit, get ready, and drive or take a crowded micro. That’s a lot to do!
Meanwhile, here’s SmartDoko, where you can shop without having to get ready. You can just wake up with kajal smeared over your eyes and shop in your pajamas, sweatpants, or no pants at all!

Sneakily shop at work without your boss frowning

Making time for shopping is a real problem. You have work throughout your weekdays and on Saturday, all the stores are closed. You could go in the evening, you’d say, but will you not be too tired to go through all the shopping hassle?


Your boss or HR will definitely frown upon your idea of going shopping at the 1 hour lunch break and coming 3 hours later. You don’t want that, or do you? But your boss or HR wouldn’t even know when you sneakily shop online at work! Make the smarter choice, pal.

New Road is overly crowded

New Road is an ideal shopping destination for practically all the people living in Kathmandu. And during Dashain, there’s not even one small space to place your feet, let alone roam around and shop with a happy mood.

If anything, the sun will drink up what’s left of your energy and chances are you may not even find what you intend to buy, after all the pain you went through! Disappointing, isn’t it?
Lucky are you, because SmartDoko is not crowded and you can browse through categories and items and relax while you shop!

Reviews and ratings

Most of the times we buy items on store and then we regret it for not being what we expected it to be. The salesman will definitely say it is the best, but that’s their job!

Buying online lets you go through all the reviews before you buy the actual product. Buying online ensures that you get the perfect sandwich maker that you have ideally wanted.

Real-time search boxes aren’t a real thing yet

Imagine you are in a store, or going from stores to stores in order to buy one thing but you couldn’t find it anywhere? Sounds too familiar?

We all have been there at some point and it is quite frustrating. On the other hand, online shops save you all the hassle with the magical search option box on the top!

Don’t need to carry heavy umpteen bags all around

Carrying heavy bags from shops to shops is tough. Struggling with 10 bags while you open the lock to your front door is a pain.

But hey, carrying heavy bags is a thing of the past now. So is going from stores to stores. Opt to shopping online and find what you want to buy at SmartDoko to have a convenient shopping experience.

Less impulsive buying

Ever bought something at spur of the moment and immediately regretted buying it. Or do you many things that you bought because you thought it was pretty or you were going to use it but you did not? Happens.

Now look at an online buying scenario. You browse through stuff, you get some, or lot of impulses to buy things that you don’t need. Anyway, you add them to your Doko, but eventually remove it when at checkout. So, shop online, say no to temptations and save money!

No salesperson trying to make you buy everything

We have visited so many stores where the salesperson is too pushy and says all the nice things to make you buy everything. “You’re so tall, this dress looks perfect on you! You can pair this up with this cute jacket …”

Thank God for online shops that eliminate all the pushy salesperson out of the way and let you enjoy shopping.

Send gifts the easy way through delivery options

Dashain gifts are as important as the festival itself. They carry the love you have for one another and imparts happiness.

If you live somewhere far but really want to send gifts to your family and friends, then online shopping is the right choice for you. You can browse through hundreds of products online then have it sent to your family and friends as a gift, without much difficulty! 

Collect Earning Points

For each product you purchase at SmartDoko, you can collect certain earning points. Keep shopping and collect earning points, which can later be redeemed to shop items of equivalent amount at SmartDoko!

Did you nod your head to all that we have said? If you did, you should definitely visit www.smartdoko.com and fill your doko with happiness this Dashain. Also, coming next is the great SmartDoko Dashain OFFER. Everything is to be revealed soon.

Shop like a boss! 😎


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